Apply for a Medical Cannabis Licence Today

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Medicinal Cannabis Industry Act, 2019 Act allows you to handle medicinal cannabis for medical and scientific purposes under a Barbados Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Authority (BMCLA) regulated licensing regime. The Act allows approved licensee holders to cultivate, transport, process, dispense, test, import and export, research and develop medicinal cannabis and medicinal cannabis products across several license categories and types.

Below is everything you need to know to apply for a licence to handle medicinal cannabis. The BMCLA has created this one-stop shop to make it easier for all persons to become involved in what promises to be an industry of great economic benefit to Barbados. See below questions and answers about submitting an application for any licence being issued by the BMCLA.

  • What are the categories and fees associated for each licence type?
  • What documents are required to submit an application for a licence?
  • Who can apply for a License?